
Because we believe reading and writing “float on a sea of talk” (Britton 1983) you will see opportunities that stimulate and extend children’s talk with educators listening, viewing, asking questions, and promoting higher order thinking

Because we believe that vocabulary is the basis of successful reading and writing you will see explicitly planned learning experiences to build children’s vocabulary.

Because we believe that reading and writing are connected you will see educators modelling reading and writing and explicitly teaching strategies to enable such skills.

Because we believe that children learn to read by reading, with instructional support you will see children reading independently, with and to other children, with adults, and in groups.

Because we believe that reading a wide range of books supports reading development you will see children being provided with both personal choice and managed choice in their reading selection.

Because we believe that children learn to write by writing, with instructional support you will see children writing independently, with other children, with adults, and in groups.

Because we believe that phonics is learned in context you will see children engaging in activities, based upon quality literature, designed to build their capabilities (phonics in context).

Because we believe that phonological awareness is a key to literacy and language you will see word play that may include rhyming, segmenting, blending, sound manipulation and exploring onset and rime.

Because we believe effective spellers use a variety of spelling strategies you will see teachers explicitly teaching strategies beyond sounding out.

Because we believe that immersion within a quality print-rich environment supports literacy development you will see children surrounded by interesting, high-quality children’s books and different kinds of text.